After putting to practice what I researched, I realize that there is nothing that can take the place of commenting in blogging industry. May be you've come to think of it that if you didn't visit or comment on other people’s blog, how will people do the same to you. Commenting has really helped in the past months which are why I decided to bring up this post.
Though you might have heard so many things about commenting on blogs and the links it has with traffic. That is very true, because all the old tips and tricks are just been updated. Below, I will be sharing a very practical experience on how you can use commenting on other people’s blog related to your niche to generate traffic and build your reputation.
For those who don’t know what reputation is: it is the estimation in which a person or thing is held, especially by the community or the public generally. Now let go to our man points.
Though you might have heard so many things about commenting on blogs and the links it has with traffic. That is very true, because all the old tips and tricks are just been updated. Below, I will be sharing a very practical experience on how you can use commenting on other people’s blog related to your niche to generate traffic and build your reputation.
For those who don’t know what reputation is: it is the estimation in which a person or thing is held, especially by the community or the public generally. Now let go to our man points.
1. Comment as a person:
You don’t expect me to follow back or commend a person who doesn’t show his/her identity. I’ve experience this several times, and I wonder how on earth you want people to link back to you.
And more so, Google see this as a spam and eventually there is a link. The best way is to comment with a real name or probably your blog name or address. Some even use twitter account. You can also sign up for a profile at Gravatar if you don’t know your way out, because it’s more personal and very good to use.
2. Comment Reasonably:
There was a time a person commented on my blog, and he knew what he did quite alright. And before he started, he said” though I know this is off point”. In using commenting as a building block for reputation, you need to comment reasonable with the trending points, and not off the point or trying to promote your own blog in commenting, it’s very bad.
3. Always be the first to comment:
Though it’s very hard, and you can only do this when you subscribe for the daily updates. Nobody sees people that comment anything from 10th comments down, when you are the first to comment people see you and mostly if you have something reasonable to contribute, definitely people will go back to your blog and see what you are made of, whereas you can get a bit of backlink and traffic.
4. Get a do-follow comment box:
Like a side sometimes ago in my previous post, that blogging is tending to a new era where by things of the old are getting rusty. There are different comment box plugins now which will definitely encourage your visitors to come back. The commentLuv is a very good example because bloggers believe it’s a dofollow comment box.
We also have some fancy comment box from intensedebate, this type of comment box is very valuable in such a way that it leaves a link back to websites and gives room follow twitter username.
5. Make commenting easy:
There was a time I visited a blog with a great article, I wanted to comment but it was so difficult to comment because of the captcha required to fill, before you could submit your comment it was hell. My advice is that, captcha these days are no longer required with improvement we have with different comment box.
6. Respond To comments:
Today, most pro bloggers get their posts title from responding to the comments on their blogs. Imagine someone taking the pain to comment and react to your post an you now decided to ignore it. You get real readers from responding to visitor’s comment by providing solutions to the challenge.
Visitors love it when you take your time to respond to their comment, it shows you have your readers at heart and you are caring.
7.Top commentators:
I bet you that everybody wants to seen and heard; therefore there are some platforms like wordpress plugins who has a top commentator in which the person that has the greatest comment will be shown at the top of the commentator plugin.People will definitely want to comment on your post for them to be the top commentator for the month week or the day. And by so doing, people will keep visiting and your reputation keeps increasing.
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